10g Screening Tool (Carius tube)
An instrument for thermal stability and pressure rate screening to search for exothermic activity and gas generation.
Due to interest from clients in the development of the Carius apparatus for the purposes of high energy/high rate material screening, the system software now has the capability of logging data at multiple temperature/pressure trigger points depending on the rate of rise of the sample under test.
The standard log to disk rates of every 30 secs (constantly activated throughout a test) and every 0.1 sec (activated on a rate of rise trigger point of either temperature or pressure) have now been extended with additional log rate capability of every 1 second and every 1 msec. Any combination of these faster rates may now also be de-activated or re-enabled to suit a clients specific needs whether to investigate the thermal stability of various materials or to observe more closely the pressure effects of highly energetic materials.
Tests are conducted to temperatures up to 400°C and the glass 10g Carius tubes are capable of withstanding nominally 60 barg (tube failure pressure could be lower than this if testing aggressive materials such as alkaline solutions). |